Airbnb Pasta Dinner


The night began with the guests coming in the early evening. They were greeted with an amazing gathering board from Ripen, as well as a selection of different beverages. This specific location was very spacious for the guests, allowing them to enjoy their appetizers downstairs in a comfortable seating area.


Some guests lingered upstairs where our wonderful chefs were preparing an assortment of pastas they would be enjoying for dinner. We strive to have our guests stay curious about the food they enjoy on a daily basis. Our chefs are always open to having the guests help them prepare. Since it was freshly made pasta the guests were guided in using the pasta machine to roll out the pasta into traditional strips and then flouring them and setting them into small mounds.

Once the pasta was cooked and tossed in the difference sauces, it was time for dinner! The Airbnb guests gathered around the table as some of their co workers raised a glass to toast this wonderful evening. First the chefs prepared a fresh salad for the guests. Then the main course was a selection of homemade pastas such as, spaghetti bolognese, pesto pasta as well as zucchini noodles to substitute for those with gluten allergies. For dessert the chefs had panna cotta with raspberry compote. The night ended on a happy note with the guests dancing out of the door with singing smiles and full stomachs.

Sophia Lorenzi